Mount Bromo Tour, Enjoy the Sunrise From an Altitude of 2,329 m

Mount Bromo Tour, Enjoy the Sunrise From an Altitude of 2,329 m !!
Bromo Mount, Source

Mount Bromo Tour - Indonesia, has so beautifully natural sensation that deserves to be explored, one of which is Mount Bromo, when you visit here is something that is most worthy for you regret is when just past the sights of this one, the name of this mountain is taken from the Sanskrit or "Brahma" is one of the gods in the Hindu religion. Mount Bromo tour is perfect for nature lovers, beautiful nature in Mount Bromo is something very beautiful, do not forget you prepare your camera to take pictures of the beautiful sunrise in the morning, wow amazing !!


Mount Bromo is located at 4 different region that is, Probolinggo, Pasuruan, Malang and Lumajang, In East Java, and Mount Bromo, the local governments serve as the fourth border region. The high mountain is 2,329 m (7.641 ft), and the mountain is known for vast sea of sand, and the mountain is still an active mountain until now, and several times this mountain experience eruption.

Do you know

Mount Bromo Tour, Enjoy the Sunrise From an Altitude of 2,329 m !!
Tengger Tribe, Source
If there is a native of Mount Bromo named tribe tengger, according to the name of Mount Bromo that their name is one of the god of Hindu religion "Brahma god", tribe tengger are followers of Hindunism, many different cultures and traditions, tribe tengger, and many ceremonies Tengger tribe in honor of the Hindu god, you could also try and enjoy different cultures tribe tengger communities during a visit to Mount Bromo. wow very interesting right to observe their traditions ?

So, what are you waiting for ? Let's start the journey

Many access roads you can take to get to Mount Bromo, multiple access can be via Probolinggo, Pasuruan, Malang and Lumajang, but if you want easy access of your trip, you can choose in addition to easy access from Probolinggo, Probolinggo lines are also many places lodging.

Temperatures at Mount Bromo ranges between 2 ° -20 ° Celsius, then you have to prepare yourself in order not to feel cold while on the mountain, and that are excellent Mount Bromo is to enjoy the beauty of Sunrise as seen from the top of Mount Bromo, you have to feel how the sun that shines from the eastern horizon appears and you welcomed with joy, this is something that is very interesting, it was also you have to bring your camera to take pictures there, and you make sure not to regret.

Mount Bromo Tour, Enjoy the Sunrise From an Altitude of 2,329 m !!
Hourse Journey, Source

Shortly after the vehicle from the parking lot for the trip to the summit you have to pass through a stretch of ocean sand covering 5,920 hectares (approximately 10 sq km) and the type of sand is volcanic sand can easily fly when the wind, then it seemed you were in the desert, but very different because here the temperature is cooler, this unique woah !! you can use the services of providers horse or jeep if you are too tired to walk, after an interesting sand, a challenge to get to the top end you have not yet passed the stairs as much as around 250 pieces, wah quite tiring !! But still you will feel the sensation of challenging and you will do a little exercise, then always make sure you're healthy, but after reaching the summit of Mount Bromo then you will see something interesting and of course very very very Amazing !!

Something Interesting !!

This is a very interesting things when you are at Mount Bromo.

Bromo Sunrise, This is the main goal of all the tiring journey before, and this is something that is paying for everything with beauty.
Mount Bromo Tour, Enjoy the Sunrise From an Altitude of 2,329 m !!
Amazing BromoSunrise, Source

Bromo crater, with a climb about 250 stairs visitors can see the crater has a diameter of ± 600 meters, as well as the white smoke coming out of the crater.
Mount Bromo Tour, Enjoy the Sunrise From an Altitude of 2,329 m !!
Amazing Bromo Crater, Source
Kasodo Ceremony, If there is a chance you can follow the traditional ceremony Tengger tribe is Yadnya Kasada or Kasodo Festival. Is the annual ceremony to worship the god to always get a blessing from the almighty.
Mount Bromo Tour, Enjoy the Sunrise From an Altitude of 2,329 m !!
Kasodo Ceremony, Source

Pura (Hindu Temple), unique Wah !! in the midst of the vast ocean expanse of sand, there is a temple to worship the god by local tribes tengger.
Mount Bromo Tour, Enjoy the Sunrise From an Altitude of 2,329 m !!
Hindu Temple, Source

Tips For You

Some tips you should prepare suitable clothes appropriate to the circumstances existing at Mount Bromo, use jackets and clothing that will warm your body, do not forget to use the masks, scarves and masks to keep you awake from the flying dust. There are some very suitable time to visit Bromo Mount which is in May to October.

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