Country Profile Of Myanmar

Country Profile Of Myanmar
Myanmar Map and Flag
Country Profile Of Myanmar - Myanmar is a country located in southeast asia, this country formerly known as Burma, myanmar formerly based in yangon as the capital, but on December 7, 2005, moved by the military government to Naypyidaw. The type of government is a republic. Myanmar uses myanmar language as the national language.

Myanmar has an area of ​​678.
500 square kilometers, geographically myanmar have various boundaries that lie on each side.
  • The north is bordered by India and China 
  • The south bordering the Andaman Sea and the Bay of Bengal 
  • The east borders with China, Laos, and Thailand 
  • The west borders with Bangladesh and India.
Myanmar's population has variety of ethnic, estimated total Myanmar population over 50 million people, the various ethnic in Myanmar that is the Shan, Karen, Rakhin, Mon, Chinese, and Kachin. From religion  buddhist, still the majority religion, which exist in Myanmar, in percentage could be categorized by the Buddhist percentage (89.4%), Christians (4.9%), Islam (3.8%), Hindus (0.5%), tribal trust (1.1%), others (0.3%).

Tourist attractions in myanmar still thick with religious culture seen from the many buildings with Buddhist architecture, myanmar also has a water area so that they have a natural attraction which is quite interesting, especially the beach of course.

Myanmar culinary is still affected by the influence of China, India, and Myanmar native tribes such as Bamar, Rakhine and Shan, from Myanmar culinary the taste can not be underestimated, although not as well known as the Thailand culinary, but Myanmar culinary will pamper your taste, with amazing taste that you never feel, and provide an interesting experience.

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  • Country Profile Of Myanmar Myanmar Map and Flag Country Profile Of Myanmar - Myanmar is a country located in southeast asia, this country formerly known as Burma, m…

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