Country Profile Of Cambodia

Country Profile Of Cambodia
Cambodia Map and Flag
Country Profile Of Cambodia - Cambodia is a country that is centered in Phnom Pehn, but was originally based in the city of angkor, until in 1863, the city of Angkor, captured by the French, formerly cambodia has a name called khmer kingdom, and in 1953, cambodia gain their independence, but cambodia experience upheavals, which constituted since the seizure of power by the civil war.

Cambodian population in general are Khmer people as the majority population and coexist with other ethnic groups such as Vietnam, China, and Cham as minorities, an estimated total population of Cambodia is more than 15 million people. Cambodia using Khmer language as the national language, but some circles still use the French language and English.

Geographically Cambodia has a concave shape, surrounded by hills on three sides, extensive cambodia country amounted to 181.040 square kilometers with a percentage of 2.5% territorial waters. Cambodia also suffered two seasons, is the rainy season and dry season, which is why cambodia called a tropical country, the air temperature in Cambodia between 21-35 ° C.

Various tourist attractions in Cambodia known to be very attractive in the world, because Cambodia has a variety paradise to be explored, one of the most famous tourist destinations in Cambodia is Angkor Wat, a temple that has been recognized as a UNESCO heritage, Cambodia is also traversed by the giant Mekong river crossing in a certain number of countries, several regions also obtained water from the river which is known as the largest river in the southeast asia.

Cambodia has a very rich culinary, in outline Cambodia culinary still has some similarities with Thailand and Vietnam, which has a flavor not too spicy, Cambodian cuisine also influenced by the Chinese and French as the country's historical ties. Rice as the main ingredient in their dishes still be the staple food of cambodia, spices they use are also rich in flavor that will make you feel the sensation that is very interesting, of course, cambodia suitable as an attractive tourist destination.

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