Country Profile Of Malaysia

Country Profile Of Malaysia
Malaysia Map and Flag
Country Profile Of Malaysia - Malaysia is a country located in north Indonesia, or also commonly referred to as the State of "Jiran" or it means neighbor in English

Malaysia populated with a population of more than 27 million people, with an area of ​​329,847 square kilometers, Malaysia is a country on the basis of a federal state, with 13 states, and is based in Kuala Lumpur as its capital.

Just like Indonesia, Malaysia is also a country with a majority Muslim population, as an outline of Malaysia and Indonesia still be allied countries, Malaysia using the Malay language in everyday life.

Culture in malaysia country still feels thick, ethnic differences that exist in Malaysia still make ethnic diversity, ie the percentage of the population of Malaysia is the Malays (50%), Chinese (37%), Indians (11%). The rest are people of Europe, the Eurasian and Native.

A culture of mutual help also remains a major tradition in Malaysian life, social life Malaysia is still firmly attached to the norms and customary rules applicable.

Malaysia is a country with a tropical climate, Malaysia is also a country with a fairly rich natural diversity, it is because Malaysia has a fairly extensive territorial waters, so that Malaysia has a variety of interesting tourist spot which is required to visit, various types of tourist attractions will spoil your eyes.

Culinary Malaysia also has a lot of flavor, appetizing, you will feel the cuisines of Malaysia which gives the impression of a new and exciting taste for you when you visit this country.

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